Thursday, September 2, 2010

Whimsical Whirlwinds...

Well, it's a new school year at the ever wonderful University of South Florida. I've been in classes for nearly two weeks now and everything's going great for once. I got a lot farther on a new project of mine, a hopefully serial series called THE FIANNA and on the third of the trilogy I'm working on FAERIE TREASURES. My sign classes are going well and I actually have two poetry/workshopping classes I'm taking at the moment. Hopefully my lyrical language will improve because of these...I was never really good at poetry stuff. Reading is one thing, but revising? Whole new ball of wax. As I type this I should be working on a piece for my Fiction class. The format for the story is fable or tall tale, what do you think?

Another thing I've been doing recently is trying my hand at sending out queries to a few more agents. I attempted identifying what genre my finished project fits into, and I'm trying my hand at submitting to people who like Paranormal Romances rather than Urban Fantasy. I might look into more small press publishers soon, but that's after homework is done. That aside though, all these various versions of query letter have gotten me in a big revising/editing mood. I have to say that's the most pain in the butt part of the entire writing process in my opinion. First drafts, they come pretty easy if you work at it, but making them sparkly is a whole other matter (if I were working with vampires that would be mildly funny).

Thus far, I've only gotten through the revising process once ever with FAERIE GAMES and now I'm working on the sequel, FAERIE TOYS, whose first draft has been sitting around for awhile and is in dire need of polishing. So I'm reading over the first few chapters, reliving those moments that I was so eager about in the planning stage, looking over the language that works, the dialogue that I still love writing between these characters.

The rest, was utter crap as only a NaNoWriMo novel brought to the garish light of day can produce. In so many places the emotions are too quick to change, the same expression is used over and over again, and for the love of God all the "til's"! I find myself wondering what I was thinking during these pages. Then I remember, 'Oh, I'm writing two more of these right now' and I have second thoughts about not Baker Acting myself.

What a fun whirlwind learning the ropes of writing is, eh?

P.S. I realize I am horrid with giving this blog any routine! I'll try doing at least a bi-weekly Friday thing, maybe earlier if I'm feeling ambitious.

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